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Lego Ends Partnership With Shell After Greenpeace Campaign


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Lego will not renew its marketing deal with Shell after Greenpeace published a video criticizing the toymaker for its association with the oil company

Published in July and titled "LEGO: Everything is NOT awesome," the two-minute video shows a Lego landscape drowning in oil. Greenpeace's message at the end of the video, which attracted nearly 6 million views on YouTube, claims Shell is "polluting our kids' imaginations."

As part of a "co-promotion" with Shell, Lego frequently releases Shell-branded toy sets

Initially, Lego shook off Greenpeace's campaign, claiming the matter "must be handled between Shell and Greenpeace." Now, however, Lego CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp claims the company will honor its marketing contract with Shell, which was signed in 2011, but will not renew it after it ends Read more...

More about Lego, Business, Advertising, and Shell


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