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This week’s news on Ebola should make you breathe a sigh of relief — and seethe with anger.
The news is the recovery of Amber Vinson, the nurse who got Ebola while treating Thomas Duncan at Texas Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. She left Emory University Hospital on Tuesday, free of the virus and on her way back to a normal life. The announcement came less than a week after Vinson’s colleague, Nina Pham, was discharged from the National Institutes of Health hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. Pham was in such good shape that she got to visit the White House and give the president a hug.
It’s become a familiar ritual — the Ebola patient leaving a U.S. hospital, alive and well. But the medical feat behind those scenes is among the more under-appreciated developments in this whole saga. The early public health failures, like the improper protocols at Texas Presbyterian and allowing Vinson to board a commercial flight when she had a mild fever, have gotten tons of attention. The successes have not, even though they are easy to catalog. Read more...
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