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After the Quake: The Earliest Known Color Photographs of San Francisco


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At 5:12 a.m. on April 18, 1906, an earthquake hit San Francisco. By today's measurements, it would register at a magnitude of 7.8.

Within four days, 80% of the city was utterly destroyed by the Earth's upheaval and fire. Out of a population of 410,000, between one-half and three-quarters became homeless; up to 3,000 people died.

Fires burned for four days and nights, causing the vast majority of the city's devastation and destroying 25,000 buildings

Six months later, inventor Frederick Eugene Ives arrived in the ruins, carrying one of his creations: the photochromoscope, a very early color and 3D camera. Commercially available since 1897, Ives used the device to capture these four images, reproduced here as single frames, and in their original stereo pairs. Read more...

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