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Anonymous Man Hides Envelopes of Cash Around SF, Finders Pay it Forward


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Mo' money, mo' problems doesn't seem to apply to San Francisco — at least not when it comes to the anonymous man leaving envelopes of cash around the city

Last week, someone operating the Twitter handle @HiddenCash started sharing clues and images of places around SF where he had hidden envelopes stuffed with cash. There hasn't been much of an explanation behind the scavenger hunt; the anonymous cash man wants only one thing: for those who find the envelopes to pay it forward

“I’m in that 1% that some people loathe, but rather than hating people who are successful, my point would be to encourage people who have been successful to give back a little bit more," the anonymous gifter, who claims to be a successful real-estate mogul, told ABC News Read more...

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