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Startup Slobs Versus the New Elements of Geek Style


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When the pocket protectors and taped glasses version of the geek gradually gave way to present-day techie staples such as hoodies and flip flops, it might have seemed like the evolution of geek style had hit its ceiling — simplicity and comfort in the service of marathon coding sessions

This aggressively casual approach, the style of no style, is embodied most visibly in the likes the of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, who refuses to part with his hoodie, even pre-IPO, and Apple's design chief Jony Ive, who talks a good design game, but is usually seen in a t-shirt and jeans

But in recent months, as the once fragile "tech bubble" has failed to burst, a subtle shift toward shedding the sweatpants and New Balance running shoes and adopting a cleaner, more professional look has begun to crop up among some developers. Read more...

More about Fashion, Mark Zuckerberg, Style, Startups, and Silicon Valley


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