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It Takes 155 Million Hot Dogs and 15,000 Fireworks to Celebrate the Fourth of July


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This weekend, millions of Americans will celebrate the nation's Independence Day.

The Second Continental Congress voted to become independent from Great Britain on July 2, 1776, and approved the Declaration of Independence two days later. John Adams wrote to his wife at the time that the second should be celebrated "with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."

Though the holiday has come to be celebrated on the fourth, Adams should be impressed by the sheer amount of pomp and parade that marks the occasion every year. Or at least by the number of hot dogs we eat that day. Read more...

More about Travel, Lists, Fireworks, Facts, and July 4th


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