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Logitech's Case+ takes your iPhone 5S to the next level


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Bill Gates was wrong: The computerized hub for our lives isn’t the PC. The smartphone is

Don’t be too hard on the guy...he was only half wrong. The smartphone is still a computer, and a very personal one at that. And as they get more powerful, our phones will soon make Batman’s utility belt look like child’s play. Today you can control locked doors, pay for purchases, watch movies, and even start some cars, all from a simple phone

But it isn’t the perfect Leatherman — far from it. The iPhone 5 and 5S are small, fragile, and run out of juice before you’ve finished that first cup of coffee. Logitech’s Case+ helps MacGyver the iPhone in every way that matters. If you're running around with an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, you'll have to wait for your turn at the accessory game. Thankfully plenty of us haven't parted with our 5/5S, because it's still so darn good Read more...

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