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A plastic baby you can drink out of is a thing on Kickstarter


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Plastic babies are so hot right now.

American Sniper's plastic baby stole the show, and now synthetic infants are hitting the streets. Well, they will if this Kickstarter for a plastic baby you can drink out of meets its goal.

The Cool Baby features a removable drink container and straw to tuck into the baby's insulated torso and a Baby Björn-like contraption so you can strap your plastic baby to your chest, leaving your hands free to take selfies with your bundle of PVC.

The comedian and copywriter behind the project, Simon Phillon, hopes that The Cool Baby will give child-free people the satisfaction and social prestige of accessorizing with a baby without actually dealing with the responsibility of caring for a human life. Read more...

More about Kickstarter, Weird Stuff, Watercooler, Conversations, and Kickstarter Campaign


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