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The way the Internet has changed the way we communicate


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Oh Internet, where would we be without you? We certainly wouldn't be instant messaging someone we met at Machu Picchu six years ago. Or trawling through an album of a girl we went to primary school with entitled 'OMG! It's a Boy!' We wouldn't be able to craft a sentence using only emojis, or replace IRL laughs with a message thread of LOL's. Before the Internet, literally only meant in the 'literal manner or sense' and not also 'used for emphasis while not being literally true'. And there was no such thing as 'unfriending' someone.

We no longer require homes, bars, offices or cafes to keep in touch with people. We can do it literally anywhere we happen to be. This begs the question: when we connect to our devices, are we disconnecting from the people around us? Are we hiding behind a screen from the physical world and becoming antisocial in turn? While there is a sense of panic about how the Internet is detrimental to communication, there are also lots of people who believe that it is actually enhancing our relationships. For better or worse, here are a few of the ways the Internet is changing the way we communicate, and how you can keep abreast of tech advances thanks to eBay: Read more...

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