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February was one of the most bipolar months in U.S. weather history


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At least no one can accuse Mother Nature of being boring this February

To the east of the Rocky Mountains, one Arctic blast after another whipped through the streets of cities from Chicago to Bangor, Maine, and points in between with far below average temperatures and heavy snow

Snow piled up from Maine to Georgia, and impressive ice floes formed in harbors from New Bedford, Massaschusetts to Chicago's famed Lake Michigan shoreline

In the West, though, unusually mild conditions were all the rage. The month was the warmest winter month on record in cities like Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and San Francisco. In Anchorage, the total snowfall for the entire month was less than the amount of snow that fell in Boston during about one-hour or less in one of Beantown's several February blizzards Read more...

More about Boston, Chicago, Blizzard, Snow, and Us World


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