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Depending on who you listen to, ideas are either bulletproof, cheap, and powerful or like an unmentionable part of your body. Everyone has ideas. Every conference, meetup, hackathon, startup weekend event is filled with people who have ideas but lack the ability to build them. Countless people are trying to raise funding or get a technical co-founder with little more than a few bullet points on a piece of paper. It's pointless. Ideas without execution aren't worth the paper they're written on
The difficulty for a lot of people is getting from that idea to something more tangible, and it can seem impossible if you don't have any technical or design skills. But in fact, it's a lot easier than you might think. Using one, or a combination of the tools below will allow you to create a tangible prototype, and build something you can use to show a potential co-founder, colleague, customer or investor what your idea is and how it works Read more...
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